Open Access (OA) refers to the free online availability of scientific and scholarly knowledge. While authors often pay Article Processing Charges (APCs) to make their publications accessible in paywalled journals, there are alternative options available.
In recent years, the PolyU Library has established Transformative Agreements (TAs) with various publishers. These agreements offer full or partial waivers of APCs. To enhance PolyU members’ understanding of OA and TAs, this workshop will cover the following topics:
- Introduction to Open Access
- Exploration of Open Access options
- Explanation of Transformative Agreements
- Application process for APC waivers, using the American Chemical Society (ACS) as a case study
Date: 12 Mar 2025 (Wed)
Time: 10.30 am – 11.20 am
Speaker: Ms Jane Yun, Asia Pacific Sales Operation Manager, ACS Publications
Moderator: Dr Wendy Wong, Section Head (Scholarly Communication) of the Library
Platform: Zoom
For enquiries, please contact us at our various service points here. For learning and research support, get in touch with your Faculty Librarian.
Pao Yue-kong Library
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University